Naisen Sydän: Kristina Tsvetkova

Feminine Therapy Through Photography

I had a wonderful opportunity to meet Kristina Tsvetkova, a talented 24 -year old Russian photographer, who has recenty moved to Finland. I was interested to hear how she perceives women and femininity as both are so central in her work. We made a photoshoot one gray Finnish winterday, and spoke about our passions in life.

Kristinas pic 1Kristina is in love with beauty. Photography is a way for her to express herself and her imagination. She started as a nature photographer, but found herself more and more drawn to people, especially women. For her nature and women are both expressions of the same enchanting femininity.

Kristina’s vision is to explore and express the way each woman is special and divine. She has a talent of seeing beyond the superficial appearance and call forth that which is hiding beneath. Her style is intense and sensual, yet refined.

Kristina calls her work phototherapy. These days she works mainly with women and creates sensual and transfigured pictures of them.

According to Kristina many women benefit from admiration: ’I think all girls should be cherished in life. It`s vital to feel beautiful and loved, to have attention’, she says. Phototherapy can be a way for women to see their beauty through someone else’s eyes and to connect with their own femininity.

In this world of excessive and unrealistic beauty ideals many fail to see themselves as beautiful. Kristina isn’t interested in increasing obsessive focus upon appearance. She wants to capture womens’ natural state of charm and to show glimpses of their inner perfection.

Kristinas pic 4I’ve met so many beautiful and amazing women who were sure that they are not beautiful. That`s very sad to see. With photography I try to revive in them their inner state of beauty, love and woman`s worth. This is my goal.’

Another of Kristina’s goals is to support women to open up to enjoy sensuality freely, without inhibitions, quilt or restrictive chastity. Her nude pictures radiate shameless eroticism which is teasing but profound. She captures intimate moments of the soul; those open, delicious and powerful flashes of passion and the awakening of feminine desire.

I`m quite happy that photography is developing now and is becoming available for ordinary people, not just for models and magazines of the fashion world. In Russia photosessions are popular among girls and women. They like doing it. I really hope that the same developes here in Finland.’

My session with Kristina was easy, comfortable and fun. I was open to explore femininity with her support. I centered into a soft and sacred inner place, which is one of harmony, innocence and pure desire. We played together with states, energies and emotions. The hours together with her made me remember that all that I look for outside already exists within.

(tulossa suomenkielinen versio myöhemmin)

To see more of Kristina’s pictures, visit:

To contact Kristina:


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