Hidasta elämää – a channel for holistic wellbeing

Hidasta elämää is a Finnish website and an online channel for comprehensive wellbeing, slow lifestyle, and spiritual growth. The name Hidasta elämää is an equivoque; it can be translated either as “Slow life” or as an imperative to “Slow down (your) life”.

Founded by media professionals Sanna Wikström and Pequ Nieminen, Hidasta elämää is a channel between readers interested in and professionals of or companies advancing holistic wellbeing. The team contributing to the site includes over 60 bloggers and experts. We offer food for thought, tools for growth and a virtual shoulder of support on six themes: human being, love, spirituality, wellbeing, home and work.

Hidasta elämää began as a Facebook group in 2007. Right now our wellbeing channel reaches 150 000 unique readers each week via Facebook, Instagram, online magazine, online courses and website hidastaelamaa.fi. In Facebook we have over 192 000 fans and our Instagram account (@hidasta) is followed by over 180 000 users.

In addition to articles, blogs and other reading material, the channel offers online TV content and various wellbeing-related online courses. We also publish an online magazine called Hetki itselle (“A moment for yourself”), sent out to subscribers once a month via e-mail for free, as well as various functional printed products, available in our online shop.

We were the first Finnish website for slow lifestyle and have become the most liked channel for holistic wellbeing in Finland. Personal wellbeing – mentally as well as physically – is an area more and more people are becoming interested in, which is reflected in the numbers of visits the page receives daily, as well as in our audience’s engagement rate, which is one of the highest in Finland.

We receive messages from our readers on a weekly basis where they share touching stories how Hidasta elämää has been a saviour and helped them during difficult times in their life, when their own resources for coping haven’t been enough”, says Sanna Wikström, editor-in-chief of the website.

It’s not about being a laggard or lazy, but about recognizing and respecting your own natural pace of life. You need to slow down enough to ask yourself: What do I do? Why do I do it? And how do I do it? Otherwise you’ll remain a spectator of your own life”, comments Pequ Nieminen, who in 2007 founded the Facebook group that was the starting point for the website.

We are making our own contribution to increasing holistic – and especially spiritual – wellbeing in Finland.

Pequ Nieminen & Sanna Wikström
and the whole Hidasta elämää team





Sanna is responsible for the channel contents and marketing of online courses. She writes her own blog and holds online courses on wellbeing.
Sanna loves language, beauty and sunlight.
Contact: sanna(at)hidastaelamaa.fi (can often be reached telepathically, too)





Pequ is responsible for partnerships and the channel’s business activity.
Pequ’s interests are natural way of living, naturopathy, nutrition, as well as all levels of being and improving as a human being.
Contact: pekka(at)hidastaelamaa.fi


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